Before to make professional web, important for a web developer is giving idea about point any kind of will be displayed on the web page. There by, a web developer also require to consulting with that owner web if anything be target of owner web can reality.
Other thing with a web developer were given on to make a site. Owner web, usually entrusting fully for web developer. OK, if it does so that as a web developer must proving its skill on make professional web to be every owner web does not heart break with website have been made.
To be a web developer not easy because must to improve between web programming with art on every web page. Both must be have, if only one of so that not yet referred as a professional web developer. Although clever php language on make web, but if not support by artistic so that resulting less maximal. If clever to make apperance web page only but not support by knowledge about web programming web so that will just without effect.
Rudi Syaifudin
September 9, 2008 at 4:19 AM
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